Blue outside.
Green inside.

200.000 KM


124,87 METERS

Five times around the world. This is how much distance our RACO electric actuators cover in the course of their lifetime. At full capacity, our electric actuators can reach up to 8000 operating hours per year. This high capacity utilization enables us to adapt our electric actuators to the operating conditions of our customers. In this way, we enable a highly sustainable use of our products.

At the same time, we source regional semi-finished products and castings for our production at the main plant in Schwelm, Germany - we manufacture many of them ourselves. The entire production is sustainably oriented and avoids long transport routes.

Raco Team

Why we are green at heart

Green and sustainable are not only our products at heart. The entire RACO family strives in its daily actions to act sustainably and thus do something good for the environment and society. We do this out of our deepest conviction that every company should take responsibility. That’s why we pay special attention, both in management and in production and administration, to continue the green footprint of our products in our daily lives. This is how we keep you and your solutions in motion sustainably.

The Industry at core.

We come from industry and are strongly connected to it. Our products enable more efficient and effective applications in a wide range of industries. Through state-of-the-art technology for actuators and sensors, we bring the standard further towards Industry 4.0.

In the development we include lifecycle cost and predictive maintenance concepts to offer our industrial customers maximum availability and reduction of follow-up costs.

Our region and the RACO family at heart.

Together and in partnership - that is our motto. That is why we consider it important to strengthen the region and the community. Therefore, we source most of our products only from the region.

Community and partnership are also our focus within the company. As a RACO family, we live a lively exchange among ourselves and strengthen our cohesion through regular activities.

The climate always present.

The climate is close to our hearts. That’s why we not only rely on short distances in our production, but also base all our actions on protecting the climate. We keep our supply chains as short as possible and contribute to climate protection with our CO2-neutral products.

In our production, we rely on the efficient use of renewable energies and when shipping our products, we use reusable packaging material.

With our products, the water stays clean.

Our products are also used in weirs and sluices, among other applications. We have developed a special, environmentally friendly drive concept for this purpose. In order to protect the water, we do not use hydraulic and lubricating fluids that could pollute the water, unlike hydraulic cylinders.

In particular, we have taken into account the hydraulic engineering conditions of use, the degree of protection of the components and the resistance to vibration and impact during development.

For a carefree life in the countryside.

Our products are not only an environmentally friendly solution underwater, but also in any land application. Compared to hydraulic drives, our RACO electric actuators with ball screw offer a more resource-efficient and environmentally friendly alternative.

To live up to our claim, we also rely on sustainable solutions in our processes and operations.

Lange Lebensdauer

Our products are designed to serve as a long-term, sustainable solution for our customers. For example, our products for hydraulic steelwork remain in use for at least 30 years before they need to be replaced. This means that our products use significantly fewer resources over their entire life time.

Long life time

Regionale Produktion

The entire production of our RACO electric actuators is designed for regionality. We source our semi-finished products and raw materials directly from the region, thus keeping CO2 emissions and particulate matter pollution for our environment as low as possible. All our electric actuators are manufactured and tested at our main plant in Schwelm, Germany - without any long production routes.

Regional Production


In the field of linear drives, electric actuators with ball screws are considered particularly environmentally friendly compared to hydraulic or pneumatic solutions. This is particularly due to the fact that no hydraulic oil can get into bodies of water or drinking water. Apart from this, the risk of a functional failure is much lower compared to hydraulic fluids or compressed air pressurized systems, since a defective seal does not lead to a malfunction. This enables sustainable use with maximum availability for our customers.

No Hydraulic Fluid

Höchste Effizienz

The maxim for action at RACO is: systematically manage energy efficiency and demonstrate responsibility towards the environment. We achieve the special efficiency of our products through precise manufacturing. The RACOmatic®, for example, optimizes force and speed via the movement profiles of our actuators. We install motors in the various efficiency classes in order to minimize energy consumption during operation. In standby, our electric actuators consume no energy.

Highest Efficiency

Easy Fix System

In order to live up to the longevity of our products, our products can be repaired throughout their entire service life. Our repair and spare parts service extends far beyond the period of the statutory warranty. If a component has a defect, we replace it and then recycle it.

Easy Fix System